When I was in first grade, I spotted a book in the library display called, "Meet Samantha." I was so excited, she had my name!" I wanted to read it, but it was only for 3rd grade and up, but the librarian told me that I could read them if I sat down and read it to her first, so she knew I could handle it. So I did. I nailed every word except "bleed." I said "bled." So I happily trotted home. It wasn't long until I had my mom buying me my own copies of them and I'd read them all (There were originally 3, although Felicity came out soon after I started reading them.) Kirsten was my favorite. I loved her Saint Lucia story and when her friend died on the boat from cholera, it devastated me.
Then the catalogs came.
omg, they have dolls. For the low low price of just $1000, you can have the complete collection. Can you believe that my parents said "no." Pfft. My mom told me recently that if I would have taken better care of my toys that they would have gotten one for me. I wonder if that deal still stands?
Well, I have a chance at winning one for my Baby girl! One of my favorite bloggers, Last Mom, is co-hosting an American Girl Doll giveaway!!! Stop over here for your chance to enter!
Make Good Trouble
You know what I finally figured out? No one can steal your happy. If
someone takes your happy away, it's only because you handed it over to
Pity Pa...
3 weeks ago
Never would I have thought American Girls would come two sewerage times in my week.
My best friend lives in Denver and she told me last weekend she was at their mall and they have, get this, an American Girls Store. She went in to 'experience it' and couldn't believe it. She was in awe of the place. They had a salon where you could pay $20 to have your dolls hair styled.....your dolls hair! For $20...what a steal. It sounded like a build a bear store on drugs. She said while standing there an older women walked up and was also in awe/ disgusted and said 'can you believe this crap'. And my friend said......... 'Not really.'.
Do you know they no longer carry the Samantha doll? Random bit of information I looked up a couple weeks ago. It's a sad day.
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