I worry that being fat is going to hurt my baby. Even though I've lost 15 lbs since I got pregnant. Why has my inability to get motivated to lose weight, why didn't I see how that would affect my baby?
Ready Or Not
I have had a real problem with Thanksgiving coming so late this year and
shortening the Christmas season (meaning time to shop for it). Could I have
Passing The Baton
1. Write a blog post inspired by the word: changes I created Writer’s
Workshop after I started blogging in 2007 because while I was excited about
the idea ...
(My) Life is a Battlefield
Yesterday, my beautiful bloggy-turned-FB-turned-real-life friend, Heather,
posted about her weight loss transformation. After the birth of her first
They're My Roots Too
Over the years, I've had plenty of opportunities to be disappointed in my
fellow white people. From Vanilla Ice to All Lives Matter, we keep giving
the wor...
My very first
Today is my VERY FIRST Mother's Day. The first of many to come. I've only
been a mom for 3 months (although at 4am feedings it feels like forever)
but I ba...
Mom's great escape (for the day)
A mom friend and I escaped to Boston for the day a few weekends ago and
spent the day... well, I'm almost embarrassed to say. Don't get me wrong,
it was gl...
The saga continues...
It happened again. The last time they couldn't find a rhyme or reason to
what was going on. This time there is a definitive answer...
I am on day 3 of my h...
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